Daily Archives: February 22, 2014

A Note from Lady Carol!

Greetings and Salutations!

Could there possibly be more excitement and sustained joy than celebrating 30 years of Shakespeare for Kids’ consistent fun and frolic in study immersion?

The answer lies in the spirited participation of our student campers, guest faculty, volunteers, staff, widening donor base and enthusiasm of young leaders emerging to sustain their informed and worthwhile knowledge of S4K dynamics to pass on to their friends and developing families in yet another generation. Thus we are on a steady roll of endurance through intergenerational strength, and our future is bright with much excitement to embrace new decades of Shakespeare for Kids.

It gives me great pleasure to announce the ascendancy of an alumna in our program to the position of CEO…drum roll~Ta Dah!

Grace Upshaw Tyler rose from Student to Jr Counselor, Counselor, Student Director, Artistic Director, Webmaster, Media Director and now CEO.

Between Artistic Director and Webmaster days, she graduated from UCBerkeley and became a USA Track & Field Olympian in both Athens and Beijing.

We have yet another emerging leader in Windy Margerum, experienced 9 year Student, Jr Counselor, Counselor and Student Director, now assuming the mantle of Artistic Director.

Windy succeeds Holly Dethero, Ophelia Turner, Alexandra Sheldon, Erica O’Brien, Grace Upshaw and yours truly, now all Emerita!

This year’s program runs from July 6-17, with our authentic Tudor Faire, Feast & Drama Production @7pm on Friday July 17th.

On that night the Queen, Bard and Renaissance Musician reign in full regalia to complement costumes of our young lords and ladies!

All the other details remain the same: boys and girls ages 6-14; 9:30a-12:30p, including lunch so graciously provided by our dear friends from Frog Hollow Organic Farms;  tuition $600. with $50. discount for each sibling.

London’s Globe Theater staged “The Taming of the Shrew” during my visit this past June. They sent discounted educational books, rulers and cards to our S4K campers. I also had the pleasure of viewing the Council Room of St John’s Gate. It was in that room that Shakespeare by law sought the approval of his plays from The Master of the Revels.

At a Council Room Reception I also met new Trustees of the renown Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, who sent prizes from Stratford-upon-Avon for our 2014 season: hangars that read, “Do Not Disturb The Star”; T shirts that read, “Though she be but little she is fierce” and “We Know What We Are” …All well suited to our fine fanciers of words!

Our Staff, Counselors and Student Directors are all eagerly looking forward to greeting both former treasured students AND soon to be treasured new students.

Be sure to let us know you’re coming. We can save your place till May 10, time of 50% camp fee deposit.

Remember it’s 20 max  enrollments since our venue is a private garden and home that houses Alltheworldsa Stage in Renaissance Hall, with reserved space for 80 guests at Friday night’s anticipated Production ;-))

Welcome Back!
Welcome Anew!
With open arms we greet U!

Here’s wishing you Good Cheer in our 31st Year!

~Lady Carol