Daily Archives: June 2, 2015

A Note from Lady Carol!

2015 Hale and Hearty Greetings to All our New AND Returning young lords and ladies in this Summer Season of
Shakespeare for Kids!

The raised stage is set with new lights awaiting action in song, drama, stage combat (remember your tricks+learn new ones with fight choreography as well.

Lively Counselors Austin, Poma, Ruby and Artistic Director Windy are planning a great season of fun and frolic while learning about the Bard.
We will share our Renaissance Picnic and Cal Shakes tour and stage coaching with the Fab Artistic Director, Jonathan Moscone.
Susan Rode Morris will be teaching us additional upbeat Shakespearean songs, and James Gillerman with pipe dancing tunes from his recorders.
Lady Becky C will be graciously offering her delicious food preps from their Family’s Frog Hollow Organic Farm, while Lady Becky O is ever so delighted to be our costumer for the full season now that daughter Erica, former S4K Student, Counselor and Artistic Director, has completed her PhD and graduated from England’s University of Bristol!
Our loyal Queen sends word that she “looks forward to participating in The Final Night’s Festivities including Faire, Feast and outstanding performances, always.”
The fabulous evening takes place
July 17, 2015!

Come ONE, come ALL for a grand night of Celebrating ourĀ  young lords and ladies who will be filled with delight at entertaining you!

With Great Cheer ~
Lady Carol, Founder S4K