Monthly Archives: April 2016

A note from Lady Carol

33 Years and Counting!

CEO Lady Grace joins me in sending Hearty Greetings and Salutations in this eagerly anticipated 2016 Season of Shakespeare for Kids that runs July 11-22; 9:30a-12:30p, including a never fail tasty lunch, provided by Lady Becky, Lord Farmer Al and their celebrated Frog Hollow Organic Farm in Brentwood.

The Board of Trustees is meeting this Friday to plan new and exciting learning experiences to incorporate into this year’s summer camp. Look for lots of fun music as we take on a couple of scenes from Cole Porter’s “Kiss Me Kate,” based on “The Taming of the Shrew.” This foray will be in addition to our traditional study of select plays in the categories of Comedy, Tragedy and History, with related activities of jousting, juggling, dancing, fight choreography, emoting and blocking play actions.

Our Queen Elizabeth, Master Musician and The Bard himself are all on board for a merry romp come July 22 @7:00pm, our festive, final eve of colorful Tudor Faire, Feast and Play Production! Please mark your calendars! 😄😄😄😄😄😄

I’m thrilled to report we have many returning and some new students, Counselors, Student Directors and of course our Artistic Director, Windy.

Austin is excavating in Dubai, but he will return home in time to join Poma and the happy Gang of S4K.

Cheerio for now!

Lady Carol
