A note from Lady Carol!

March was an exciting month of planning for our 2012 Shakespeare for Kids camp! Over dinner at Chow’s, Lady Becky of Frog Hollow Organic Farms, said she was planning our various lunch menus, with both Maddie and Millie looking forward to our summer FUN.

During a trip to Washington DC, I had the pleasure of presenting, with photo op, our newly formated S4K DVD to Dr Stephen Enniss, Head Librarian of The Folger Shakespeare Library. After a tasty luncheon at Sonoma Restaurant that he so kindly hosted, lively with our animated conversation, he presented our program with a Fab book entitled, “Shakespeare’s Sisters,” a scholarly complement to the ongoing exhibit in the FSL Grand Hall.

During the 2012 Women of Courage Awards at the State Department, I had the honor and privilege of presenting our Shakespeare for Kids DVD to both our Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and our First Lady Michelle Obama.

On the home front, Grace is adding photos and videos to our website, so please keep checking in on our news!

Cheerio for now!

Lady Carol and our S4K Staff