What the Parents Say!


“Shakespeare for  Kids is an absolutely unique children’s program! By immersion in the speech, drama and social world of Shakespeare, the children discover artistic well-springs in their own creative expressions.”

~ Roy Bogas, father of Sharon


“The multigenerational faculty is competent, positive, full of enjoyment – a winning combination!”

~ Jo Alice Canterbury, mother of Lisa


“Each year my daughter came to Shakespeare for Kids she learned something new and fun – and wanted to come again the next year!”

~Joan Minton, mother of Jeanie


“Shakespeare is truly alive!”

~Meg and Don Dupont, parents of Link


“Thank you for your Honorarium, Carol, but I consider it a privilege to be involved in ‘Shakespeare for Kids.’ I can’t accept money for taking part in your splendid program!”

~Norgie Walkley; actress; grandparent of Jon


“Over the years Mary and Elizabeth had many activities, but one of the best-from the perspective of adults looking back- was your Shakespeare ‘Camp.’ They loved it! Thanks for your wonderful program and keep up the good work!”

~Dr Beverly M, mother of Mary & Elizabeth


“Several years ago, before our son was born, I came across your brochure. I was so excited by your creative program, that I have saved it all these years! We are thrilled to know of your program as a way to introduce him to Shakespeare!”

~Anne Glarner, mother of Ian


“My daughter has been anxious to attend your wonderful Shakespeare Camp again this summer. Will you please let us know if you will be offering the camp this year?”

~Alisa Metzner, mother of Julia


“Thanks for the opportunity to contribute a small token to that wonderful labor of love that you have pursued for so many years!   +Update on nephews Lex and Pax that Doris drove from Marin to Lafayette daily for your program: they now have MBA and PHD degrees. Pax in English to teach at college level.

~Rick Marliave, father of Rachel, Greg and Spencer


“My daughter, Erica O’Brien, now aged 23, participated in Carol Upshaw’s Shakespeare for Kids program yearly from age 6.  Each year she grew in poise and confidence as she interacted with children of various ages, learned songs, dances and calligraphy from the Renaissance, and memorized lines and performed them (with glee) in scenes from Shakespeare’s plays.  As a teenager she became a counselor in the program and then artist Director for a few summers—a marvelous leadership opportunity for her.  The most valuable outcome of her participation in the program for me, though, has been watching her develop an abiding love of Shakespeare, the Arts in general, and, ultimately a double major in English and history in college! Thanks, Carol!”

~Becky O’Brien, mother of Erica